
Welcome to the Academy, where we learn to wield the weapons of a more civilized age.

This site has two parts:

The source of this repo is available at

Why another course?

There’s a ton of great Clojure learning resources, but I had a really good experience with Functional Programming in Clojure. I’ve learned the language with the same course in 2014 and I wanted to refresh it for 2020. I liked the simplicity and effectiveness of the exercises and I think I can expand on that, learning from my experience over these last few years of working full-time in Clojure. The second part is more meant to be a collections of notes / post with practical advice. I’ve heard from newcomers to the language that they felt a bit lost due to the lack of practical guidance in making something useful, and I want to help address that.

Getting started

$ clj
Clojure 1.10.1

All is well, Press Ctrl-D and exit from the REPL.